Our Impact

Since its inception, Echo has EDUCATED hundreds of thousands of STUDENTS by EQUIPPING teachers with curricula about global humanitarian issues and CREATING OPPORTUNITIES for students to take what they’ve learned in the classroom OUT INTO THE WORLD.

Since its inception, Echo has EDUCATED hundreds of thousands of STUDENTS by EQUIPPING teachers with curricula about global humanitarian issues and CREATING OPPORTUNITIES for students to take what they’ve learned in the classroom OUT INTO THE WORLD.

Since 1997, with critical local, national, and international support, Echo's impact has:
750,000+ students & 3,750+ teachers in 192 public & private schools
105 Global Footsteps Student Ambassadors
25+ years of award-winning curriculum
39 world leaders, including Nobel Laureates, with Charlotte-area students
With 44 national & international schools
a documentary film, garnering 8 national awards

Hear From Our Past Ambassadors
“…I am compelled to speak my mind and to move forward with action and absolutely no indifference, for I have learned that my voice does matter, that one person can change the world.”
— Justine Treadwell, Charlotte Latin School, M.A. Law and Diplomacy, The Fletcher School, Hollins University, Tufts University; Diplomat, U.S. Department of State
“Being a student ambassador…I realized that… involvement in any volunteer initiative requires dedication, passion for what I’m doing, and following through to see the results of my work.”
– Michael Ding, Myers Park High School, UC Berkeley
A letter from Sharonda
Dear Mrs. Ansaldo,
Today I leave on a plane to spend the weekend at my dream school, Vanderbilt University, in Nashville, TN. In an hour Mrs. Lorine will be picking me up to drop me off at the airport where I will fly alone to Vandy. I was sitting here eating my breakfast when I began to think about Echo, and you, and all that you have done for me. The lessons that I learned from Echo, you, and the many beautiful people of Bosnia are ones that I use every day.
Echo made nearly all the wonderful things in my life possible. Back in the 9th grade when I saw Dr. Oliver Smithies' [Nobelist] presentation and the wonderful, glowing woman beside him, I knew that I wanted to be on that stage one day inspiring students to be their best. You and Mrs. McConnell instilled so many different values in me over the years. Mrs. McConell inspired my academic drive and my love for science, and through her I met you who inspired me even more with real life people and their success such as Dr. Smithies, Dr. Martin Chalfie, [Nobelist] Peter Agre [Nobelist], Ben Bernanke and so many many more people this summer alone.
You also opened my eyes to the world around me more so than I would have ever thought possible. Because of you I met people whose faces I see every day and it fuels my new fire to help those that are not as fortunate as me. Because of you I have the courage to travel alone to a new state and meet new people without fear. Because of you I am going to live my life as a humanitarian and give back to as many people as I can. I wish that I could form my words to where they would express the true love and thankfulness that I have for you in my heart. But there are not any words to express the amount to how grateful I am. Thank you so very much Mrs. Ansaldo.
Love, your student Sharonda
Sharonda Adams
2016 Bosnia Footsteps Ambassador
William A. Hough High School
Vanderbilt University